Erie Shore Ski Club

ERIE SHORE SKI CLUB was founded over 50 years ago to encourage the sport of skiing and enjoy the fun and friendship that accompany a good day of skiing with friends.  We ski locally at Snow Trails in Mansfield most Wednesdays. Join us!  Just an hour drive!  And of course, we have a core group of lifetime skiers and a few newbies that ski out west and abroad.

Want to race? We have a great bunch of racers who demonstrate their expertise with the CMSC race program. We are the award winning Mighty Little Race Team!

The club welcomes all!

Type of group: Singles, couples, families

Age: 18 to 88 (or above)

Size: 80 members

Meeting Location: Private room @ Georgetown Restaurant 18515 Detroit Rd, Lakewood 44107.

When: Our meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month, September, December, January, February and March at 7:00 PM.

H A P P Y  HOURS :  We meet for happy hour in October, November, and April – August at the best patios in Cleveland. Favorites are Pier W, Don’s Pomeroy in Strongsville, Jojo Carlone’s, Brew Garden and 100th Bomb Group.

Contact:  John Griffin:, 440-567-2029

MONTHLY E-NEWSLETTER :  Stay informed about regular and special club events.

Email Cheryl Valasik to be added to the email list at