The Lewis Ski Club is an all-season sports and social club in Northeast Ohio. The Lewis Ski Club membership is currently around 200, is open to any interested individual or family regardless of geographic location, and is affiliated with the NASA Glenn Research Center. The club sponsors year-round recreation, offering alpine and nordic skiing and snowboarding, but also cycling, camping, hiking, and other socializing events. Each ski season we offer every-other-Friday (one-day) alpine (ski and snowboard) trips to western New York and Pennsylvania resorts, as well as nearby overnight and one-day nordic trips. We also conduct one or two weeklong ski trips each year to destinations in the United States, Canada, and occasionally Europe. The Club is also active in cross-country skiing with planned overnight trips to Laurel Hills and impromptu (when there’s snow on the ground) local outings. Our website is kept current with all of our planned club activities, outings and trips for both the winter and non-snow season.
Membership Dues: $15 individual/$20 family (spouses and dependent children).
Type of Group: Singles, couples, families, young and old.
Monthly Meeting: 1st Tuesday (except May, July, and August); 5:00 PM social hour in the bar, followed at 6:00 PM with light appetizers and the meeting.
Meeting Location: Donasuschwaben German-American Culture Center at Lenau Park, 73 70 Columbia Road, Olmsted Twp, OH 44138.
Club web site: https://lewisskiclub.org/